Portable Dungeon Tile playing surface

Posted on March 12, 2009 by


This weekend I was going to play somewhere other than my house, and I intended on using Dungeon Tiles.  Now, these things are prone to sliding around a lot on table surfaces, so I came up with a little something I plan on using whenever I take my game to someone elses house.  It’s a portable Dungeon Tile playing surface, made out of hardboard and felt, costing me about $6-$7.

A couple bucks worth of supplies

A couple bucks worth of supplies

Home Depot sells a 4′ x 2′ piece of hardboard for around $3.  I had them cut it in half, leaving me with two 2×2 pieces.  I bought black felt at Wal-Mart for around $2-something.  I wrapped the felt around the boards, stapled it, and voila!, nice and big surfaces for your dungeon tiles.  The contrast between the tiles and the black felt makes them stand out rather nicely, and the felt also keeps them from sliding around too much.  I’m not saying they don’t slide, because they sure do, but the felt lessens this a little bit. 

You can also add the plastic thingies that Home Depot sells to keep furniture from slipping and scratching the floor to the backside of the boards to protect the table you place these on.

A portable 2'x2' surface for your Dungeon Tiles in under 5 minutes

A portable 2'x2' surface for your Dungeon Tiles in under 5 minutes

That’s it, a quick and easy solution for when you’re travelling with Dungeon Tiles and need a nice surface for them!